Nail Rock in Velvet Burgundy
Buy it through the urban outfitters website ($8.00)
The color I have is Velvet Burgundy. Such a great winter-y color.
The brush tip is kinda like Essie. A smaller brush with longer bristles instead of a flat/wide brush.
And here are the velvet particles. I've never seen anything like this before. haha They're little fuzzy particles and there are little tiny flecks of glitter in it.
The directions are pretty easy.
You just paint your nails normally with the nail polish (two coats) then press your nail into the velvet particles while the second coat is still wet. Then let it sit for about 15~20 minutes.
*Just as a side note, this does come off with a normal nail polish remover.
I noticed that the more particles that you pack/press on to your nail, the better. It looks more even when you pack on a lot. And after your nail dries, you can dust off the particles that didn't stick. There's actually a lot in the container so I didn't really use that much when I did my nails.
Aaaand here are my finished nails :D
Doesn't this look really cool!? I don't own anything like this!
Overall, I really liked how my nails looked, but they didn't last as long as a normal manicure. (Which makes sense because you can't apply any top coat with this). Mine looked okay for about 3 days, then parts started to fade away. I think the key to making it last is to wait until your nails are completely dry before doing anything that involves water and making sure you pack on the velvet particles. (Don't be afraid of using too much).
I'm definitely doing this again soon, especially since I think the color and texture are more winter-y rather than spring/summer.

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