I know I haven't been good about updating my blog (the last blog post that I made was in ... November 2014 >_< ...) and I really want to get back to regularly updating, but I don't have enough time to blog as frequently right now. BUT that doesn't mean I'm going to stop blogging, I still love makeup and enjoy sharing my thoughts about products and everything related to makeup :)
A little bit into why I'm so busy/been busy...
So, this is my last semester in college (hopefully graduating this May!) but I ended up packing a lot of business classes that I needed to graduate into my last semester and I've been overwhelmed with stuff to do. (definitely was not a good idea, especially when you have a bad case of senioritis)
I also went to Japan during winter break, and for the entire time I was there, I just enjoyed seeing family and friends and didn't have much time to blog :/ BUT I will definitely do some more blog posts about my adventures and haul from Japan :D The picture above is from when I went to Kyoto! My friends and I rented kimonos and toured the city for a day - the weather was perfect and the scenery was amazing too.
I hope that everyone had a great winter break and is having a great start to the new year!
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