Every Day Makeup Bag

Today's post is about what's in my everyday makeup bag.
These are the items that I always carry with me. 

I'm currently using Shiseido's Repair Veil EX.  I bought this in Japan because the story lady recommended this to me for my dry skin. It's a good lotion but nothing too special.  
今は資生堂のRepair Veil Exを使ってるよ。何年か前、薬局の人が乾燥肌にきくって勧めてくれたやつ。

#2. Oil Absorbing Sheets(あぶらとり紙):
I don't carry these during the winter, but since it's getting warmer out, these are a must.
#3. Mirror(鏡):
This one's probably obvious.  I bought this at the Daiso in Japan.
#4. Clear Lip Gloss or Lip Balm(透明グロス):
Clear lip gloss is pretty versatile.  You can use it when you're lips are chapped and over any color lipstick.  I've been using the Ettusais Lip Essence lip gloss. This lip gloss really helps moisturize my lips.
透明グロスは唇が乾燥してる時に使えるし、口紅の上からも使えるから一本持ってるの便利。最近はお気に入りのEttusais Lip Essenceを使ってるよ。全然唇荒れないし、保湿してくれるからオススメ。

#5. Eyelash Glue(つけまつげのり):
This is a must! Especially since I wear falsies most of the time.  I usually don't have to touch up on glue but just in case....the edges start to come off.

 #6. Whatever lip color I'm using that day(その日使ってる口紅・グロス):
Lip sticks and lip glosses can fade throughout the day so I always keep whatever lip color I'm using that day. Today I used the Canmake CandyWrap Lip in color 03


  1. I heard really good things about the Ettusais lip balm! I'm using the Khiel's one but I think I'll try one of these when I'm able to pick it up!

    1. I actually want to try the Khiel's one! haha

      I definitely recommend the Ettusais lip balm, it's very moisturizing and it makes my lips smooth and hydrated :)

  2. I've heard some really good things about that lip balm! :'D I might give it a try after I go through my EOS one. c:

    1. I liked my EOS lipbalm but I like this lip balm better, you should definitely give it a try:D


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